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Our Work

Tertiary Intensive and Emergency Medical Care (TIME) is the long cherished vision of few Professionals, inspired to be in service of the socio-economic/financially challenged families by providing state-of-the-art paediatric Tertiary Medical Care with financial assistance to sick children needing intensive care and emergency treatment.


Since 2012 ‘CHOICE Foundation’ has identified and supported hundreds of critical and emergency pediatric patients through direct financial support from the foundation and access to best doctors and medical facilities at a heavily subsidized cost in association with Little Stars Children’s Hospitals, Hyderabad. We are currently in touch with other organizations and NGOs that will provide treatment/intervention for children who are diagnosed to have difficulties 


The details of few of the patients who received financial assistance from the Foundation are placed for your information in our Beneficiaries page to give you the perspective of our endeavour in all sincerity and find favour with you so that you could partner with us in this endeavor.

A significant number of children who need State-of-the-Art treatment in tertiary pediatric intensive care units were observed to be due to negligence of symptoms of sickness at an early stage of the disease or a lack of screening and awareness of good health practices and wellbeing. These observations were an inspiration to undertake the project to comprehensively screen school children’s health at an early age to achieve minimization or preventing a disease onset and consequent disability.


  • What we do? 

‘My Child Health’ Preventive Screening is very unique, holistic, standardized and comprehensive digital screening program for children between 2-18 years, Which aims at assessing and continuously monitoring the child’s physical and psychological health that shapes and positively influences the overall development. It assesses the child’s health extensively and intensively across  mind and body systems


  • Mission Purpose

We wish to empower every child to “CELEBRATE HEALTHY CHILDHOOD” through this preventive school healthcare which is designed to assist early identification & advocate early intervention for undetected or borderline conditions that could impact every facet of the child’s life.


  • How we do? 

Once we obtain consent from school, the Choice Foundation team goes to the school premises to conduct the following assessments are conducted on children between the ages of 2 and 18. 


1&2. Anthropometry, Vital Signs & Nutritional Advice

A child’s Weight, Height & Head Circumference, Mid Upper Arm Circumference, Triceps Skin Fold Thickness are measured along with Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Temperature, % Saturation and Blood Pressure. Growth & dietetic history is collected from the family. 


3. Optometry 

The child goes through External & Internal Eye exam where Refraction is checked, Functional Assessment and Color blindness Assessment.


4. Audiology

For children above 5 years of age, Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) is done in an acoustically appropriate screening environment in the school premises. and for children below 5 years of age, Oto Acoustic Emissions (OAE) is done by an experienced audiologist


5. Dental Health

A Comprehensive Dental Health Assessment & Management Advice is provided for the children


6. Pediatrics

A comprehensive check of all the body systems is done in detail by a pediatrician.


7. Psychology:

Relevant information is obtained from both the parent & teacher to get an overall view of the child’s mental health. Age specific online questionnaires are sent to both parents and teachers once every calendar year online. Using this information, we screen and identify ‘at risk’ children and give a customized risk report along with an integrated checklist for red flag signs. Based on these results, the child psychologist would decide if the child requires further assessments.


The equipment required for all these tests are carried to the school, the tests are conducted. The final results and the analysis reports are then sent to parents and teachers. The report details actions that the parents and teachers can do to help the children who have health difficulties.


  • Unique

The three integral & critical elements of ‘My Child Health’ Preventive School Health Screening Program are;

  1. Sophisticated / Precision Medical Screening Equipment, is made available in the school premises

  2. Skilled Medical Personnel conduct the comprehensive & sophisticated non-invasive screening  program using Standard of Care - Pediatric Protocols comparable to those across the world.

  3. State-of-the-art Software: Helps generate a customized, confidential and consolidated health & risk report.

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